In his article-
Dr. Benjamin Brewer, M.D. discusses one of the most divisive and more recent issues in the United States today, universal health care. If readers were to go to The Wall Street Journal’swebsite and look under his column, The Doctor’s Office and find this years March 26tharticle they would discover a very informative and accurate criticism of universal health care. Dr. Brewer not only provides several supporting reasons against the newly purposed altercation of our country’s current health care system but also takes a stab at one of its greatest supporters, Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton has made this issue a cornerstone for her campaign in this years election as an effort to win the hearts of Americans across the country as well as their votes. The U.S. senator claims to believe that this is not only an achievable task but also a necessary one for the bright future of our countries people. This couldn’t be farther from the truth; other countries such as England, France, Canada, and Switzerland currently utilize this system and are encountering a plethora of problems. Universal health care has lead to the reduced quality of service, wasteful depletion of federal dollars, and a complete lack of consideration for the personal needs of the patients. As a member of this system you are a number not a person. You have no options and are told where to go, whom to see, at what time to see them, and what treatment you will receive. In his article Dr. Brewer sheds light on another problem with this menacing change that may have slipped under Clinton’s radar. Currently in the United States there is a lack of primary care doctors. This is due to an extremely low reimbursement well below the cost of doing business for primary care docs by the government. The federal government is unable to appropriately fund their sponsored Medicare and Medicaid patients to get them the treatment they promise. He also believes that this is the culprit for doctors who are currently in practice to leave and discouraging others from entering the field. Thus in turn creating a situation in which the unlikely event a universal system were established, it wouldn’t even have the proper support to carryout its main function, provide the most basic care for the country’s population. The doctor also mentions that upon the early and inevitable disaster that would follow, the blame would land on the primary care docs instead of the sleazy politicians who promised more than they could deliver. Hillary is not a complete idiot to have gotten as far as she has but using this issue as a means to garner voters is despicable, and it is most certainly not the kind of mentality I want in my next president. Universal health care universally fails.
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