Leslie Yeransian of ABC News wrote the following article http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=1999793&page=1 of Hillary Clinton and her new found interest in Global Warming. In this article Yeransian included a piece of propaganda that RJ Matson created. This propaganda as seen in this picture is a definite slam taken towards Hillary Clinton. This picture includes ex-Vice President and current Global Warming activist, Al Gore on his bike riding alongside the side of the road trying to cut back on pollution. Hillary is then seen driving up beside him in a Hummer, completely destroying the environment with huge amounts of pollution being released.
Greg Howard, “a longtime political operative who worked on Bill Clinton's and Al Gore's presidential campaigns in 1988 and 1992, said Gore's PowerPoint presentation-styled documentary must have convinced Clinton that it's a buzz issue she should take a stand on.” Since Al Gore released his video that was aimed to change millions of lives, Hillary then began to see the light on the subject that she had looked past for so long. Howard said of Clinton, “"She's got money out the whazoo. There seems to be an attitude that said she'll be very difficult to beat if she runs." He is referring to the fact that because of the money and power she brings with her, it will be tough for any candidate to stand in her way. His reasoning behind this is simple, Global Warming. Because Al Gore is such an integral part of the Global Warming crisis, having him and his staff on her side will undoubtedly prove to help her out when voting day comes and it is determined who is going to be our next president. Who will be our next president? Will it be Obama, Clinton, or McCain? Well whoever it is, Global Warming will be one of their top priorities and in this article; they believe that Hillary Clinton is currently on top of the standings.
Greg Howard, “a longtime political operative who worked on Bill Clinton's and Al Gore's presidential campaigns in 1988 and 1992, said Gore's PowerPoint presentation-styled documentary must have convinced Clinton that it's a buzz issue she should take a stand on.” Since Al Gore released his video that was aimed to change millions of lives, Hillary then began to see the light on the subject that she had looked past for so long. Howard said of Clinton, “"She's got money out the whazoo. There seems to be an attitude that said she'll be very difficult to beat if she runs." He is referring to the fact that because of the money and power she brings with her, it will be tough for any candidate to stand in her way. His reasoning behind this is simple, Global Warming. Because Al Gore is such an integral part of the Global Warming crisis, having him and his staff on her side will undoubtedly prove to help her out when voting day comes and it is determined who is going to be our next president. Who will be our next president? Will it be Obama, Clinton, or McCain? Well whoever it is, Global Warming will be one of their top priorities and in this article; they believe that Hillary Clinton is currently on top of the standings.
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